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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: Cubase 3.65

From: "Justin Kim" <justinkk@...>
Date: 2001-10-07

In answer to your first two questions, yes. I can run midi on cubase with
my an1x, and also on an1x edit with my synth. so nothings wrong with my

i have everything setup like in Gary Gregson's article without xg edit and
replacing "sw1000 #1 synth" with "awe64 midi out" for the hubi output.. i'm
not sure how sw1000 #1 synth or sw1000 #2 synth translate to my
soundblaster. here's what happens:

-if i have cubase running and then open hubi midi loopback and try to select
awe64 midi out as the output, i get "MMSYSTEM004 specified device already in

-if i have hubis midi loopback on with midi out selected for output already,
and then open up cubase, i can NOT get any sound when midi is transmitted
from cubase nor from my keyboard through cubase (even thought midi in and
out on cubase flashes on), but CAN get sound when keys are pressed in
an1xedit which goes through hubi to midi out.

does this make any sense? i think i need a multi-client driver for my
soundcard, i think the problem is that my awe64 midi out can only take input
from one program at a time. perhaps someone who owns a soundblaster might
shed light on this?

>From: jondl_2000@...
>Subject: [AN1x-list] Re: Cubase 3.65, An1xedit, Hubi's Midi Loopback
>Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2001 15:59:03 -0000
>--- In AN1x-list@y..., "Justin Kim" <justinkk@h...> wrote:
> > yeh i wasn't sure the cubase article applied to me since i have a
> > soundblaster card and different version of cubase. anyways, i tried it
> > am not sure i followed directions correctly due to these differences.
> > also tried different setups from what was prescribed in the article.
> > instance, i've setup
> > -an1xedit ports to in:none and out:LB1
> > -hubi's ports to in:LB1 and out:various including lb1, lb2, creative
> > midi mapper (midi out and midi synth wont work, it says "device already
> > use"; midi mapper causes an1xedit to malfunction and even crash my whole
> > system)
> > -cubase mme setup as specified in the article (lb1 lb2 enabled inputs,
> > lb4 enabled outputs etc) IN CUBASE, all inputs enabled lb1, lb2, midi
> > etc; sysex filter unticked, sysex thru filter ticked..
> >
> > please bear with me as i am a midi novice so i probably dont fully
> > understand what im doing here. (tho i thought i did at first) what am
> > missing here?!?!
>Hi Justin,
>Okay, let's get one thing straight up front - I user Logic Audio on a
>Mac and I've no hands on time with Cubase for Win or Hubi's. That said,
>here's what I'd try:
>1) Have you established basic communication between your AN1x and
>AN1xEdit? Can you relaibly send and recieve voice info (sysex) between
>the hardware and software?
>2) Have you established basic communication between your AN1x and
>Cubase? Can you relaibly send and recivee MIDI info (note events,
>program change and/or control change messages?) What about SysEx? Have
>you tired to transmit or receive a .MID or .SYX file between Cubase and
>the AN1x?
>If all the above is working then we can be certain your MIDI Interface
>is working correctly and you have a legitimate configuration in place.
>Your using a SoundBlaster, correct? The built in MIDI Inteface on these
>cards don't have a sterling reputation so by making it thourgh steps
>one and two we can eliminate that as part of the equation.
>3) I'd reread this article:
>substituting 'AN1x' for 'SW1000'. This would at least give you a
>starting configuration to troubleshoot rather than be all over the map
>with a dozen different set-ups.
>Question: Have you tried any of the Cubase resources (mixer maps)
>available from the Files section? I wonder if these would help achieve
>similar results as an alternative to what you're trying to resolve with
>AN1xEdit + Cubase.

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