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>From: jondl_2000@..._________________________________________________________________
>Subject: [AN1x-list] Re: Cubase 3.65, An1xedit, Hubi's Midi Loopback
>Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2001 15:59:03 -0000
>--- In AN1x-list@y..., "Justin Kim" <justinkk@h...> wrote:
> > yeh i wasn't sure the cubase article applied to me since i have a
> > soundblaster card and different version of cubase. anyways, i tried it
> > am not sure i followed directions correctly due to these differences.
> > also tried different setups from what was prescribed in the article.
> > instance, i've setup
> > -an1xedit ports to in:none and out:LB1
> > -hubi's ports to in:LB1 and out:various including lb1, lb2, creative
> > midi mapper (midi out and midi synth wont work, it says "device already
> > use"; midi mapper causes an1xedit to malfunction and even crash my whole
> > system)
> > -cubase mme setup as specified in the article (lb1 lb2 enabled inputs,
> > lb4 enabled outputs etc) IN CUBASE, all inputs enabled lb1, lb2, midi
> > etc; sysex filter unticked, sysex thru filter ticked..
> >
> > please bear with me as i am a midi novice so i probably dont fully
> > understand what im doing here. (tho i thought i did at first) what am
> > missing here?!?!
>Hi Justin,
>Okay, let's get one thing straight up front - I user Logic Audio on a
>Mac and I've no hands on time with Cubase for Win or Hubi's. That said,
>here's what I'd try:
>1) Have you established basic communication between your AN1x and
>AN1xEdit? Can you relaibly send and recieve voice info (sysex) between
>the hardware and software?
>2) Have you established basic communication between your AN1x and
>Cubase? Can you relaibly send and recivee MIDI info (note events,
>program change and/or control change messages?) What about SysEx? Have
>you tired to transmit or receive a .MID or .SYX file between Cubase and
>the AN1x?
>If all the above is working then we can be certain your MIDI Interface
>is working correctly and you have a legitimate configuration in place.
>Your using a SoundBlaster, correct? The built in MIDI Inteface on these
>cards don't have a sterling reputation so by making it thourgh steps
>one and two we can eliminate that as part of the equation.
>3) I'd reread this article:
>substituting 'AN1x' for 'SW1000'. This would at least give you a
>starting configuration to troubleshoot rather than be all over the map
>with a dozen different set-ups.
>Question: Have you tried any of the Cubase resources (mixer maps)
>available from the Files section? I wonder if these would help achieve
>similar results as an alternative to what you're trying to resolve with
>AN1xEdit + Cubase.