Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list
Subject: Hello
From: "Scott Bradley" <s.m.bradley@...>
Date: 2001-10-03
Hello list !!!
I've just joined the list and I just bought an AN1X off EBay for 270 English
pounds, which was quite a bargain I thought.
I also have a Waldorf MicroQ, Novation Super Bass Station, Roland Juno 6,
Roland JV1080, Yamaha A4000 and a DJX(Which I'm getting rid of).
Anyway I've had the AN1X for 2 days now and I must say I'm pretty impressed,
not as good as my Waldorf but still a worthwhile addition. I've not really
done much with it yet except play with the presets, some are good and some
bad. I like the scene morphing functions, that seems like a great feature.
I installed the editor on my PC and to be honest I was a little lost, but
that'll take time I guess.
It's not that I don't understand subtractive synthesis, I can edit my MicroQ
fine, just the layout of the editor confused me. I must say the oscillators
sound a little weedy on there own, but still it's a very handy synth and I'm
glad I bought it as my master controller.
Well I just thought I'd introduce myself and I hope some of you can share
some of your thoughts on the keyboard.