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> You need to go to the Utility Control Assign in the matrix and assign SCENE=====
> to MW.
> There are 2 inherent insanities about this:
> 1. Unless the on-board control is assigned to a function, external midi
> won't control it. Example - if the mod wheel is not assigned to modulation,
> the AN will not respond to an incoming CC1 message (mod wheel).
> 2. People have uploaded banks of patches all over the web that mess up the
> default Control Assignments. (and other stuff like midi channels, device #,
> whatever) For instance, there are banks where no parameters are assigned to
> any of the 8 knobs. Why someone would disable all of this control makes no
> sense to me.
> I was making the mistake of using .syx files and loading banks which trashed
> my control assignments. Then I came to my senses and started using the AN1x
> editor. I'd load a bank to the editor, choose a patch on the AN I could
> overwrite, then double click on the patches in the editor one at a time.
> That way, only the patch data comes in to the AN. It's a safe way of
> auditioning sounds.
> Here's the excerpt from the manual about the control assignment function:
> Based on settings in the Control Assign function as well as
> in the Control Matrix, you can use a single controller to
> control one parameter of the internal tone generator and
> another parameter of an external MIDI device, both at the
> same time. It also lets you determine which device (MW,
> FC, etc.) to use for Scene Control (see page 20).
> Controllers which can be assigned using the UTILITY
> SETUP Control function:
> MW - Modulation Wheel
> FV - Foot Volume
> FC - Foot Controller
> FS - Footswitch
> RbnX - Ribbon Controller X-axis
> RbnZ - Ribbon Controller Z-axis
> Knob1~8 - Assign group knobs 1 ~ 8
> SCENE - Scene Control controller
> Between the Control Assign function (system) knob
> assignments and Control Matrix (voice) knob assignments,
> you can configure a monster knob control system where
> each knob simultaneously controls either the same Control
> Change parameter for the internal tone generator as for
> an external tone generator, or different parameters for the
> internal and external tone generator.
> For more information about each parameter, see the separate Data List book.
> For
> information about the procedure for assigning controllers, see page 95.