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Subject: Re: Cubase 3.65

From: jondl_2000@...
Date: 2001-10-02

--- In AN1x-list@y..., justinkk@h... wrote:
> hi all, i've been trying to get cubase and an1xedit to run midi
> simultaneously and have gotten as far as dl'ing hubi's midiloopback
> and installing the driver. i can get both programs running so that
> when i press keys in an1xedit, the midi lights in cubase go on and
> off but that's it. i cant send anything to my synth (ie. voice
> changes in an1xedit).. can someone tell me what i'm doing wrong with
> my midi setup or other reasons?

Hello justinkk,
There are a few 'how to' articles posted in the Files section, under
Tips & Tricks, contributed by Gary G. that contain a great deal of
information on using An1xEdit simultaneously with other apps. You'll
find explanations on using AN1xEdit w/ Hubi's along with Cakewalk and
Cubase here:

Hope this helps,
