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----- Original Message -----
Fra: Peter Korsten <peterk@...>
Til: <>
Sendt: 29. september 2001 09:34
Emne: Re: [AN1x-list] an1x construction.
> From: "Elson Trinidad" <elson@...>
> > At 03:35 PM 9/28/01 -0700, Ferrie Tuin wrote:
> > >Why do you think it's illegal?
> >
> > Lots of things are legal in the Netherlands...heh...why would a silly
> piece
> > of electrical gear not be?
> Drugs aren't legal, they are condoned. There's a difference.
> I'm not entirely sure why these many-in-one connectors, that plug directly
> into a wall plug, are illegal, but it could be all kinds of reasons. Strain
> on the connector could be one (but then again, wall-wart power supplies do
> the same thing), maximum drained power per connector. I'm not the expert
> here.
> A question to Dutch people: when was the last time you saw such a device
> being sold? Most of you probably can't remember. It could also be that they
> are illegal in the whole of the EU.
> - Peter
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