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Subject: SV: [AN1x-list] an1x construction.

From: "J Acker" <jacker@...>
Date: 2001-09-30

When I moved to Norway I was puzzled by the fact tha tone couldn't buy the range of electrician supplies (or plumbing for that matter) that you can in the US. I have spent a lot of time in Amsterdam and Utrecht (lived there for a few months..I love that town!) and I think it is the same there.

For one thing I think they want to discourage overloading. You ever see National Lampoons Christmas vacation? Lots of homes in the US have adapters with LOTS of plugs hanging from them. They are a fire hazard and if people use them they ought to check the rating in amps for the circuit they are plugged into.

That's why they do it here anyway.

James R. Acker
jacker@... listen to my music at.....
My current songs can be now heard at my site:

----- Original Message -----
Fra: Peter Korsten <peterk@...>
Til: <>
Sendt: 29. september 2001 09:34
Emne: Re: [AN1x-list] an1x construction.

> From: "Elson Trinidad" <elson@...>
> > At 03:35 PM 9/28/01 -0700, Ferrie Tuin wrote:
> > >Why do you think it's illegal?
> >
> > Lots of things are legal in the Netherlands...heh...why would a silly
> piece
> > of electrical gear not be?
> Drugs aren't legal, they are condoned. There's a difference.
> I'm not entirely sure why these many-in-one connectors, that plug directly
> into a wall plug, are illegal, but it could be all kinds of reasons. Strain
> on the connector could be one (but then again, wall-wart power supplies do
> the same thing), maximum drained power per connector. I'm not the expert
> here.
> A question to Dutch people: when was the last time you saw such a device
> being sold? Most of you probably can't remember. It could also be that they
> are illegal in the whole of the EU.
> - Peter
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