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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] re:stereo

From: "Peter Korsten" <peterk@...>
Date: 2001-09-23

From: "Elson Trinidad" <elson@...>

> A lot of analog synths Back In The Day were mono anyway, so...

Like someone already mentioned, the reason why synths are stereo is mostly
effects. Only a few use stereo samples (the Roland XV5080 comes to mind, as
do samplers), or can put different oscillators at different pan positions (I
just found out my EX5 can do that).

I think the AN1x has a mono synth engine with a pan control and an effects
section. With the 'Separation' control, you can effectively turn it into two
monosynths. The difference with those old analogue synths is the effect
section (and twenty-five years in technological advance, of course).

There are people far more knowledgeable on the subject of the AN1x on this
list than I am, but that's what I understand of it.

- Peter