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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] ?!??!?!?!?! --> ON TOPIC RIGHT NOW

From: Ferrie Tuin <zpidermen@...>
Date: 2001-09-23

Oke let's make one thing clear... I'm also a member of
a few other yahoogroups and nobody in those groups has
ever said something about what happened in amerika (it
doesn't mean that we are not interested in what
happened there of course). So please stop talking
about this RIGHT NOW and please stick to the an1x. If
you like to talk about amerika you can do that

greetz Ferrie, and please do NOT respond to this
message. And if you want to respond, do this privately
to me, thanks

--- jondl_2000@... wrote:
> --- In AN1x-list@y..., "Thomas" <tomfinegan@y...>
> wrote:
> > FYI: as my function as a co-moderator i deleted
> (including my own)
> > posts about the topic "racism and xenophobia" and
> "I can�t believe".
> >
> > This happened in the interest of all list members,
> who rather want to
> > read about AN1x and discuss political topics some
> place else.
> >
> > I do apologize to those who i might offend with
> this.
> I only wish we had discussed this prior to your
> deleting items from the
> archive. IMO, this amounts to censorship - no matter
> how well intended.
> You can't pretend nothing happened 'in the interest
> of the list
> members'. I hadn't even read the threads(?) in
> questions(?!) and it now
> seems I'll no longer have the choice. Very
> disappointing.
> If we are ever to learn anything about oursleves and
> how we relate to
> events that transpire within the world it's best to
> allow people their
> say. Keeping silent accomplishes nothing :-(
> >
> > I did this to keep the peace on the list and don�t
> raise any further
> > arguments about things single person (you know who
> you are) posted
> > without thinking.
> I assume someone posted something 'inappropriate'
> regarding current
> events? Well, guess what - there are probably others
> out there who
> silently ∗agreed∗ with the 1st opinion only now you
> won't have
> opportunity to find who they are and why they feel
> this way?!
> >
> > Thank you and may God bless you.
> >
> If someone is 'mature' enough to express their
> opinion in a public
> forum then they'd better be prepared to handle the
> consequences - good
> or bad. This mailing list, and others like it, stand
> or fall on our
> ability to function as a community. If the
> membership is going to react
> strongly to an inflammatory post - that's
> understandable - possibly
> justified, maybe not - but lets at least allow
> people the privilege of
> taking responsibilty for their actions and
> formulating their own
> opinions. And let's not underestimate the emotional
> and intellectual
> capacity of the list membership.
> Given the state of current events it seems
> inevetiable that
> controversary is around the corner. I hope we can
> address those events
> in a mature and responsible manner.
> regards,
> Jon Levinson
> American. World Citizen.
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