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> --- In AN1x-list@y..., "Thomas" <tomfinegan@y...>=====
> wrote:
> > FYI: as my function as a co-moderator i deleted
> (including my own)
> > posts about the topic "racism and xenophobia" and
> "I can�t believe".
> >
> > This happened in the interest of all list members,
> who rather want to
> > read about AN1x and discuss political topics some
> place else.
> >
> > I do apologize to those who i might offend with
> this.
> I only wish we had discussed this prior to your
> deleting items from the
> archive. IMO, this amounts to censorship - no matter
> how well intended.
> You can't pretend nothing happened 'in the interest
> of the list
> members'. I hadn't even read the threads(?) in
> questions(?!) and it now
> seems I'll no longer have the choice. Very
> disappointing.
> If we are ever to learn anything about oursleves and
> how we relate to
> events that transpire within the world it's best to
> allow people their
> say. Keeping silent accomplishes nothing :-(
> >
> > I did this to keep the peace on the list and don�t
> raise any further
> > arguments about things single person (you know who
> you are) posted
> > without thinking.
> I assume someone posted something 'inappropriate'
> regarding current
> events? Well, guess what - there are probably others
> out there who
> silently ∗agreed∗ with the 1st opinion only now you
> won't have
> opportunity to find who they are and why they feel
> this way?!
> >
> > Thank you and may God bless you.
> >
> If someone is 'mature' enough to express their
> opinion in a public
> forum then they'd better be prepared to handle the
> consequences - good
> or bad. This mailing list, and others like it, stand
> or fall on our
> ability to function as a community. If the
> membership is going to react
> strongly to an inflammatory post - that's
> understandable - possibly
> justified, maybe not - but lets at least allow
> people the privilege of
> taking responsibilty for their actions and
> formulating their own
> opinions. And let's not underestimate the emotional
> and intellectual
> capacity of the list membership.
> Given the state of current events it seems
> inevetiable that
> controversary is around the corner. I hope we can
> address those events
> in a mature and responsible manner.
> regards,
> Jon Levinson
> American. World Citizen.
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