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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: Digest Number 535

From: "Peter Korsten" <peterk@...>
Date: 2001-09-18

From: "Bastiaan van de Werk" <bazziman@...>

> Yeah I agree on that one...I just compared the virus or the nova as
companion to the yamaha... I think you might wanna look at a non-yamaha
rompler tho. I own the cs2x and MANY of it's sounds are sampled from the
an1x and the fx etc. sound very same-ish.

Er, I do have an EX5, you know. :)

> Take a look at something from Korg or Roland. Maybe even something totally
different: fm or wavetable?

I wouldn't mind an FS1r, because it offers a lot of interesting sounds and
possibilities. I'm not really into the weirder kinds of synthesis: for
instance, I decided not to buy a K5000S, although I'll probably regret it,
and not regret it, for the rest of my life.

I'm interested in nice sounds and what can be accomplished with them. That
means: an excellent VA synth like a Virus or a Supernova, and a sampler with
a very good piano sound (because a real piano is way too expensive and big).

The whole lot I would want to throw into a surround mix, and see what can be
done with that.

- Peter