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Subject: Re: An200 novice

From: "Thomas" <tomfinegan@...>
Date: 2001-09-11

--- In AN1x-list@y..., a90@p... wrote:
> buy a midi interface - can i connect as a chain all together
> esi4000, a90ex and the phat boy) or i just have to make some blow
> and buy Midisport4x4 at once?
Well, i don´t know about the blow job....<grin>...but you can chain
up to three MIDI-devices, which i wouldn´t recommend, because the
timing gets pretty bad at the end of the chain.
A MIDISPORT 4x4 is fine.
Maybe a MIDImerger (1 MIDI in / 4 MIDI outs) would also be usable for

> Thanks for responding,
You´re welcome.

> Piotr, Poland