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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] got an200 finally !

From: Tom Eales <ealspin@...>
Date: 2001-09-07

well Piotr,
you probably are a pervert.
I understand you because my girlfriend feels the same way, she thinks I'm a freak for being so obsessed with my studio,
she even smacked my AN1X once and broke 3 keys, here is a (crap unfortunately) picture to proove it, as you can see, in the middle the keys are broken. This pic was made with a digital camera that I returned because all pics looked like this!!

Have fun with the AN 200!!!
a90@... wrote: Hi,
I just wanted to share my happyness - i finally got my an200, yes!
Yesterday i swiched it on! It is so nice! I went to work today really
shaking how i am gonna stand all day long without my beauty! Now it's
five o'clock and i am going back! Weekend is ours!!!
My girfriend calls me "pervert" but you guy understand me don't you?!

As you advised i started to learn with the manual. I hope one day i
gonna share my experience with you.
Oh, by the way - i am going to by Sonar to sequence, is anyone using
it. What do you think - what is better Reason or Sonar remembering
i've a90ex, an200 and esi4000 already?
Piotr from Poland

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