Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] I'd like to buy a Yamaha An1x

From: kgilani@...
Date: 2001-09-07

Don't worry , you'll buy your freakin' phaty AN1x for a good price
......then the joy is yours ;)


>> This is the story.
>> I want to have a An1x for a long time after seeing all the reviews
>> and messgages here.I just couldn't have enough money. Two days ago ,I
>> found someone selling Yamaha An1x with a stand for $420 on ebay. It's
>> pretty good deal. I even cancelled my diner with my friends today to
>> watch the bid.After I submit my final bid for $510 in the last 50
>> sec, I was the highest bid. However, when I refreshed the page, the
>> auction is closed and someone out bid me with $520! Man, I have T3
>> connection in my office. I was so pissed.
>> Anyway,I always have bad luck recently.
>> Ok if you want to sell your An1x or your friends does, sent me a
>> email at xl_qin@...
>> Ray