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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] an200

From: "Timo Sandholm" <timo.sandholm@...>
Date: 2001-08-29

> i just bought an200. Colud anyone give me an advice were i should start

My recommendation is that you read the manual and do all the examples, they
will give you great picture what you can do with it...

> Or did i do right or wrong bying it.

;-D ... I think that it's your decision ... ;ยด-D ... though I'm very happy
with my AN200 which is working for me as a sound generator, so I'm not using
pattern sequencer at all... what I mean is that there are as many usages for
a such a device than there are different kinds of people, you just need to
get to know the product and then you'll know.
