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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: Logic Environments for AN* synths

From: "Timo Sandholm" <timo.sandholm@...>
Date: 2001-08-29

> > this way: if I open Logic file with some sequencing and environment for
> > AN200 and in the environment there are voice settings set, will Logic
> > automatically send those settings to my synth?
> The answer is: it depends.
> Logic will automatically send volume, pan, patch changes if the
> preferences are set to do so...don't recall where this pref setting is
> made :-( As for the Fader settings, I'm almost certain this can be done
> too but I don't know how without cracking the manual. Think I saw this
> very topic on the Logic users list. I think this is an option you'd
> want to use with some caution, yes? Yes.

Why? ... So are you saying that it is not good thing to use environment to
set up your synth when you open sequence??? I would like environment to be
like synth editor too, so what I need to do is just power up my AN200 and
never need to touch its settings by hand because everything will be setup
when I open my Logic song. Is that not possible? Reason for this is that if
AN200 does not support one patch sysex dumps, using environment would be
good workaround, plus I will gain one extra feature: access to all hidden
parameters. :-) ...
