Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list
Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: Logic Environments for AN* synths
From: "Timo Sandholm" <timo.sandholm@...>
Date: 2001-08-28
Hi Jon,
I Got it working, I just needed to delete those objects which were created
by logic I guess, I don't know what objects they were but they have General
Midi icon ??? Then I just changed the midi output port (driver?) in every
possible place in the environment and it worked... at least I was able to
change voice settings of my AN200.
But yes, there are some little differences, most parameters are working ok,
but for example I was not able to switch on unison mode. So it seems that
there are some things to change - oh, my where I'm going to steal some
extra time to examine and do those - anyway it will be easier to start
working with that environment than start it from nothing.
One (stupid?) question still, since I was little short with time yesterday
evening I didn't have time to try real sequencing with environment
involved - I just tried some sound tweaking. So I wonder does Logic work
this way: if I open Logic file with some sequencing and environment for my
AN200 and in the environment there are voice settings set, will Logic
automatically send those settings to my synth?