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Subject: Re: Wondering

From: jondl_2000@...
Date: 2001-08-27

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "D. Rave" <d.rave@f...> wrote:
> I have had my AN1x for two years now, but never before today did I dare to ask for this question : is there a way in dual layer mode to
> play each scene separately without a MIDI system ?
> When playing with Local turned On, I only manage to play both scenes of a voice. I have only found two workarounds : either use the
> morph function with the mod wheel to change the sound (but then some parameters are changed), or use my MIDI sequencer to
> access each scene on Rx Channel 1 or 2.
> Split mode does not do the job for me either.
> Any ideas ? I guess I should have read that bloody manual in-depth.

Sorry for asking such an obvious question but, why don't you just use
the Scene select buttons to toggle between the active scenes? If this
isn't what you're looking for then I've misunderstood the question.
