Dear people,
First I must say tham I'm very happy with all the voices I just downloaded from'm impressed, so cheers to all the people who made them!
However, I have some questions:
1) Within the files I just downloaded I find sometimes .syx files. Does anybody know what I can do with these files?
2) There are also some .mid files in there with some great sequence examples. Is it possible to dump them to the an1x and to store them in the an1x?
3) I discovered the An1xreal.all cubase song file. This is amazing stuf. Do you people use it a lot? and if so, how do you use it? is a mixermap something you can import into each song.... I know this is more of a cubase/MIDI question but if somebody can comment I would appreciate it.
thanx in advance,
Pas de Deux
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