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----- Original Message -----
From: "Sulger, Martin" <martin.sulger@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 4:37 AM
Subject: [AN1x-list] soundfile exchange with differnet equipment
I am a new user of this group and the answers here are more informative for
me than the owners manual of yamaha.
The german manuals are all in the kids room for paint in. Unfortunately they
are direct translated and no one could understand what they are talking
about. The terms on the keyboard needs no translation! On the other hand the
english version confused me a bit. Indeed I understand the words an actions
but if I search something I have to read the whole book. That can´t be very
effective. By the way I have some actual questions and hope you´ll find a
1) I have downloaded different sound files on this site. Then I saved the
files on disk, put it into my Yamaha MDF-3 fileplayer to send them into my
AN-1x. But the MDF-3 don´t accept all file formats. The suffix ".mid" is
okay and able to transmit to the AN-1x. On other suffixes the MDF-3 display
the error "Illegal file!". What´s wrong with it? Do I need a computer with a
sequenzer program to transmit the other files?
2) On the other side I want to compare the sounds of the same file with the
AN-1x and the Yamaha CS-6x plus one PLG-150AN Board (I know, that the PLG is
only able to reproduce the sound for five voices). So I took the same file
with the MDF-3 and was ready to transmit the soundfile to the CS-6x. I am
sure that the Midi-In and -Out connection was right. But nothing happened.
No red lite flashed. No error was displayed (neither the MDF-3 nor the
CS-6x). Everything was correct for the MDF-3, because he has no untimely
termination or anything else. For the CS-6x the situation is different, it
seems to be that he is sleeping or he just mentally absent. And me, I was
very puzzled, because it is hard to help someone who is no talking to you.
Now what´s the problem? I suppose the CS-6x needs some special adjustments,
but I found nothing in the manual. Maybe there exist an extra manual for
Midi-sound-exchange with different Yamaha equipment?!? But where can I get
this file?
Please excuse my very weak english, but I hope you understand my problem.
Thanks for your help.
Martin from germany
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