Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list
Subject: Help me out with my problem!!!
From: BARANT@...
Date: 2001-08-23
i have my an1x synced to my mpc 2000 through midi time clock, and
everything works perfect. now, i need to record midi from my keyboard
into cakewalk, with the mpc200 still controlling the keyboard tempo
and i have tried hooking it up every-way i could thing possible:
mpc2000 out to an1x in, and the an1x out into cakewalk,
and every other way, and cakewalk wont record it that way. Is there a
way I could make the mpc 2000 control the an1x, using the
midi "through" port? How am i supposed to do this??