> BTW - Martin, Eric - this thread has really gone off into a couple
> tangents :-) haha LOL ha ha Has any of this been of help? Did
either of
> you get AN1xEdit to receive a transmission from your AN1x?!?
Well, I feel a bit foolish. I was working on a kind of chilled house
track over the weekend, and tried to send a voice from the synth to
the editor. Once again the "Receive error" came up, with the options
of "Try again" and "Cancel". As usual I pressed "Try again" several
times, just to see what happened, and, er, well, this time it worked.
No idea why. Probably, in fact, just because I'd brought it up here.
Like when you take your car to the garage because it's making a funny
noise, except that when you get there the noise has stopped. Ho-hum.
Thanks to all concerned for the input,