Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list
Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] An1x
From: Roland van Oorschot <scout@...>
Date: 2000-05-02
Hi Grant!
Like the others I prefer An1Xedit for dumping patches etc.
But if you still want to use Cakewalk for it read this:
TTSSEQ.INI Parameters
Adding a Line to the TTSSEQ.INI File
You can modify the [Options] section of the TTSSEQ.INI file from theWindows Notepad, or from the Settings | Initialization Files section inCakewalk. Every time you add or change a line in TTSSEQ.INI, you have torestart Cakewalk for the change to take effect.
This setting causes Cakewalk to delay SYSX transmission for a certainamount of time if it encounters an F7 in a System Exclusive bank. Thisgives some instruments a required amount of "breathing" timewhich is necessary to process the SYSX transmission. The default delay is1/18 of a second, but can be changed by also adding theSysxSendDelayMsecs=n line.
n = 0 no delay
n = 1 delay between each SYSX string
This line was introduced in Cakewalk Professional for Windows version2.01 and Cakewalk 5.0 for DOS. (Please note that there is no fix forCakewalk 4.0 or earlier for DOS users, or for Cakewalk Pro for Windowsv1.0 users.)
System Exclusive bytes are transmitted in packets, with a 1/18 seconddelay between each packet. Setting this value smaller will help slowersynthesizers avoid overflowing their internal buffers. This line sets thenumber of bytes between each SYSX transmit delay.
n = 1024 Default value (in bytes)
This setting causes Cakewalk to delay <n> milliseconds if itencounters an F7 in a System Exclusive bank.
n = 60 Default value (in milliseconds)
When Cakewalk receives SYSX messages, it needs to set up buffers ahead oftime, since the messages can be very fast and long. This line sets thenumber of buffers.
n = 128 Default value
This line sets the size to allocate to each SYSX receive buffer.
n = 512 Default value (in bytes)
You don't normally need to have the total buffer space be as large as thelargest SYSX message you want to receive, because during SYSX receive,Cakewalk processes each buffer, saving its data and recycling the bufferfor further use. But if you have a slower PC and the message arrives veryfast, there may be no time to empty and recycle buffers, so you wouldhave to set up enough space in advance for the whole message. Note thatyou may not have enough available system memory in your machine toactually allocate all the buffers you request.
Also note one final detail: A long SYSX message is often composed of manylittle SYSX messages, each starting with F0 and ending with F7. MMEdrivers, in order to promptly return completed SYSX messages, stopfilling the current buffer when an F7 arrives and move on to the nextbuffer. This is why it is better to use many, smaller buffers rather thanfewer, larger ones.
"Don't mess with the 303..." -- Electro Empire
urL :
urL :
maiL : scout[AT]tb-303[DOT]org
icQ : <oN requesT onlY!>