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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Noise

From: Tom Eales <ealspin@...>
Date: 2001-08-17

Also An1x Genetix is a great bit of free software to download, you make 128 patches out of a ramdomly generated mixture of 2 patches of your choice, here you can create some really crazy sounds as well as a lot of noise and bleeping madness, give it a try,
you'll find a link to it on the usergroup page for the an1x, or a search engine, can't remember now, but you'll find it easily.......
I'm not married yet my AN1X has been broken, also I think she is getting very jealous of my new toy, the yamaha SU700, so i have to be careful.........
Andrea TONI <Andrea.Toni@...> wrote:

gosh .. are u kidding ? :-) that's one of the strength of the AN1X
do use the SandH on the LFO1 to modulate VCOs or VCF set up high
res on the filter and also work with the EG of the filter for long sweeping
Also the Arpeggiator or pattern generator in random mode are great for that
pseudo random sequences of weird noises very popular in 70s electronic
music (TDream, KSchultze TBlake Hawkwind) or after 80s pop (Duran DURAN Jupiter
The more I use it , the more I like it.
Download the tons of patches available on the WEB and tweak them as much as u
u will learn a lot and also u will end up with the most amazing sounds
after few min not to mention how nice it is to have so many real
time controllers assignable under the fingers.

don't be fooled by the promo add the AN1x is a powerful synth
not just a clone of the P5 (which doesn't mean the P5 wasn't :-))

PS : welkom TOM, I am in Oegstgeest and not married so my AN1X is still
in 1 piece :-)))))

Andrea TONI VCO1 \ | |
Solar System and Space VCO2-->--VCF--->VCA---->DUCATI 996
Science Division (SO) VCO3 / | |
email: Andrea.Toni@...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ask Kaereby"
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 12:21 PM
Subject: [AN1x-list] Noise, anyone?

> I was wondering if anyone uses their AN1x to make weird noises,
> bleeps, quirks etc. somwhere along an ARP i guess.
> How do you get that sort from a box that's more Prophet 5-like
> (AN1x)?
> :) Ask Kaereby

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