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Subject: AN1x and Roland JP-8000/8080 (was Re: [AN1x-list] NoirDesir)

From: jlevat@...
Date: 2001-08-16

hi! you got that FM touch ! ;)
difficult to have an idea of sounds by words.I agree totally with
your say..
Would you mind comparing same kind of patches ??
never got my hands on a jp8xx..
I sample my AN1x sounds on a k2000, but due to it's ∗only∗ 24 voices
i wonder if another synth isn't going to join the team. but I found
jp's demo not so good, to close from simple tweaks of init sounds all
I've heard till now lacked thickness and depth.
here's a patch I use on the an1x,

scene2mono/unison. Split.

<-nah! won't give it to you->
shall a Jp do these sounds??it can be turn to a deep
distorted/compressed bass or an acid line in a few params!
it's based on the C64patch that's on the files section.deeply
effected thru the amp sim.
How's the jp 8080 distortion quality compared to the AN1??
I simply trying to have feedback on the jp's ability versus the AN1x
ability. soundwise.
don't now if I make sens..
I'd be more than glad you could direct me to MP3's of the jp8080
making those vintage roland sounds!!
particullarly the one on the FM cd!
for you didn't know, i was listening an old album, reading my old
magazines, on that too busy yesterday,
and listening to Noir Désir, french band, well worth a listen, if you
don't know them..and that song title was "the holy economic war".
check for an MP3 on the web.. for the cabal, that's just 'cause
in that so busy yesterday, I remembered that FM59 never arrived in
the shop.And now I'm convinced it was part of a marketing plan, the
team at FM never published those reviews on the site, mind you.. I'm
sure that's because they knew when they got the an1x in hands that
the JP was not so good..1% for beeing the first marketed? that's the
cabal!! Yamaha did the an200, Roland did the JP8080.
FuturMusic has a power,and yamaha did'nt advertize enough,that's all.


--- In AN1x-list@y..., Phil <accession@o...> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I just dragged out that Issue #65 of Future Music Issue #65 from my
> and read through the "1997 Gear of the Year". The "Best Synth" (as
voted by
> the readers) was the JP-8000, followed by the Korg Z1, with the
Yamaha AN1x
> voted third. Interestingly, FM's own review scores were placed at
90% for
> the An1x and Z1, and the JP-8000 only scored marginally better at
> I own both the AN1x and the Roland JP-8080. This rack-style model
> slightly from the JP-8000 keyboard by adding an audio input with
> and a distortion FX.
> The architecture of both synth the AN1x and JP-8080 are highly
> (10voice/2part). Sonically, the AN1x and JP-8080 are in different
> territories. I find the AN1x benefits from a darker, fatter, and
> texture. The Feedback control can really thicken the sound. IMO
it's let
> down slightly by it's not-as-immediate interface, but still remains
a highly
> capable and versatile synth. Remarkably, it very much stands up
> against the current crop of VAs (eg. Supernova/Virus) if you look
past its
> somewhat limited multitimbrality. The effects on the AN1x offer
quite a
> detailed array of parameters.
> The JP-8080, on the other hand, possible isn't as 'fat' when played
as a
> solo instrument, but I find works brilliantly in a mix. For this
reason, I
> wholeheartedly believe that the fattest, or should that be PHATTEST
(!) synth
> isn't necessarily the best. The JP's control surface stands out as
one of
> the best around (on par with the Supernova - however that's
plastic, whereas
> the JP-8080 is steel!). I've more than once considered letting it
go and
> just working with my AN1x, but I find the JP-8080 really shines
with some of
> richest, sweetest, as well as gritty and cutting sounds posible. The
> feedback oscillator (with it's sweet harmonic and resonance
control) are not
> available on any other synth I know of, and the cross-modulation (X-
> control conjures up some really interesting sounds as well.
> I hope you can appreciate that trying to place words to the types
of sounds
> any synth makes is fairly futile so I'm not going to bother, but I
hope I've
> been able to express my view that both the AN1x and JP-8080 each
have their
> strong place in the world. What's considered good is of course
> subjective, so your best bet is to get hold of one and dive in.
> By the way, what on earth's a 'cabel'? And, what does 'NoirDesir'
mean? I
> think I need to get out more!!! :-)
> Phil
> From: jlevat@y...
> Reply-To: AN1x-list@y...
> Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 19:16:08 -0000
> To: AN1x-list@y...
> Subject: [AN1x-list] NoirDesir
> Hi!
> Does anyone in the list own a jp8000?? I'd like to know if the
> sound set in the files section actually sounds ∗as∗ the Roland;
> effects not in the fight...
> In fact, I was re-reading my old FutureMusic collection,and noticed
> that the demo of the JP8000 in the issue n°65 included an AN1x
> arpeggio(track16-also at I missed the issue59,
> wich figured the revue of the AN1X .But I have the issue 53, in
> Roland got a big 2page full pick,quite sexy, and I always though
> some cabal had occured in these times, to justify the upper price of
> the JP ;)
> Well, I had to convince a friend, and if it's ok for the sound, I
> still have to prove the cabal!!
> What do do you think? has anyone compared same patches on the two
> beasts??
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