Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list
Subject: NoirDesir
From: jlevat@...
Date: 2001-08-15
Does anyone in the list own a jp8000?? I'd like to know if the JP8000
sound set in the files section actually sounds ∗as∗ the Roland;
effects not in the fight...
In fact, I was re-reading my old FutureMusic collection,and noticed
that the demo of the JP8000 in the issue n°65 included an AN1x preset
arpeggio(track16-also at I missed the issue59,
wich figured the revue of the AN1X .But I have the issue 53, in wich
Roland got a big 2page full pick,quite sexy, and I always though that
some cabal had occured in these times, to justify the upper price of
the JP ;)
Well, I had to convince a friend, and if it's ok for the sound, I
still have to prove the cabal!!
What do do you think? has anyone compared same patches on the two