Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list
Subject: scene control
From: justinkk@...
Date: 2001-08-04
hi everyone. small question on scene control. if i have both scenes
selected, and the mod wheel is all the way up, it should be playing
only scene 2 right? how come when i switch between this scenario and
having only scene 2 selected (mod wheel still up), it sounds
different (a bit louder when both scenes selected)? when only scene
2 is selected, the mod wheel doesn't do anything. i even tried
turning both vco's on scene 1 to zero so it is silent, still there is
a difference btwn when i play scene 1+2 selected (mod wheel up) and
only scene 2 selected.
thanks for any help