Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: Finally!

From: Roland van Oorschot <scout@...>
Date: 2000-05-02


After months of trying to re-subscribe to the Teklab mailinglist, I finally
found a working mailinglist for the An1x-synth (thanx to JDLX-musique!).

Anyway, I hope this mailinglist is here to stay!

Oh.. I saw you can still download the patches I contributed for that other
list at jdlx ( :-)

In my signature you can find links to my site, where you can
download mp3's of tracks I made.
If you go to my site and go to the music-section, you can
download a lo-fi mp3 of an electro-track which (hopefully) will
be released on a compilation album later this year.

Well... after the shameless selfpromotion, I just want to say that I'm glad
to be back on a An1X list ;-)


"Don't mess with the 303..." -- Electro Empire

urL :
urL :
maiL : scout[AT]tb-303[DOT]org
icQ : <oN requesT onlY!>