Never played an Access Virus. I bought my AN1x for $500.00 brand new.
I've never seen any synth with anywhere near the AN1x's capabilities
for the price. I owned a SIEL Opera 6-a genuine all analog synth. The
AN1X sounds better and is much more versatile with tons more
modulation options.The SIEL operated erratically at best and finally
died. TheAN1x records well-sounds good in the mix. When I got my
synth, it was the only one available with a full size keyboard.
Anyway, an AN1x should be able to cover most of the bases for an
analog synthesizer. It was rated quite high by Keyboard Magazine. I
love the sound of the bass, but I run mine through a tube bass amp.
Nothing like a 15" speaker to stir things up.
Rainbow Jimmy