Tuning-each oscillator has two tuning knobs. The first knob makes big
changes in the tuning, the second one makes small changes. 1 on the
tuning knob moves the oscillator half a step higher. Now instead of
playing a C note, you are playing a C# note.1 on the fine tuning knob
changes the note 100th of a half step. If you set the fine tuning to
100 when you play a C note, you will get a C# note.
If you want to detune the oscillators go to the fine tune knob.
There's one for each oscillator. Set the fine tune for just a couple
of cents (the number should read between 1-3 or -1-(-3)). To tune one
oscillator to an octave above the other, go to the tune knob and set
the second oscillator for 12. Here's some other interesting tunings
to experiment with.3 will tune one oscillator a minor third above the
first one. 4 will tune a major third. 5 will get a major fourth. This
is cool for bell sounds. 7 is the one I use the most for lead sounds-
that's a fifth above.-12 is good for bass sounds. For very odd sounds
turn the ring modulator all the way up and set one oscillator a lot
lower (-36- -48) Clangy.
Rainbow Jimmy