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>Well, that's what being debated isn't it? For those of you who would
> The case of the RIAA versus is rather clear. put 45,000
> commercial, copyrighted CD's online. These are CD's from the traditional
> record companies, not from Now you must have the original CD to
> download the MP3's, but fact of the matter is that they infringed the
> copyright. There's no doubt about that.
> Did they have to do this? No.
> Was this very stupid? Positively so.
>What? The sounds quality of DAT is vastly superior to cassette and, uh,
> Another reason why DAT failed is because it's expensive, cumbersome (it's
> still a tape), it wears easily (rotating heads are always good for high
> costs), different sampling rate (48 kHz instead of 44.1 Khz) and it wasn't
> that much better than compact cassette.
> DCC again was a tape, and it also failed. MiniDisc, although it had a slowNot here in the U.S. It's still floating near the surface but not close
> start, has become a success,
> is that SCMS wasn't the sole reason why DAT failed.We'll agree to disagree. SCMS kept the price between professional and
>Yeah, and Metallica is suing Napster. ;-) haha ha LOL Along with Dr.
> About, they're just as commercial as record companies. They just
> took a different posture, just like some bands (Metallica, Sex Pistols) sell
> a lot of records with their anti-establishment posture.
>Well, most the artists I know - myself included - agree with you. I
> > In addition, they're feeble attempts to enact a watermark security layer
> > for encoded music distribution is a joke!!! Liquid Audio already does
> > it - and does it better than anything this collective has prescribed.
> > Roland and Emagic have already joined up with Liquid Audio creating
> > interfaces from their hardware and a software DAW's to the Liquid Audio
> > specification. I only hope other big names join in.
> The trouble with encoded audio is that it has to be decoded somewhere along
> the stream. And you can always pick it up at that point. Hey presto,
> unencoded, high quality digital audio.
> > MP3 may not be perfect but look at your alternatives :-(
> I like CD's. :) I've found that, after downloading an MP3 file, I want to
> have the record. And I mean the whole record, including cover art, booklet,
> print on the CD... I suppose the record companies would stuff MP3 down our
> throats if everyone was like me. :)