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Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] how can AN-EXPERT file goto cs6x card?

From: "Gary Gregson" <gary@...>
Date: 2001-07-19

Yes...Use An1xEdit!

I am not sure what you mean by the AN-EXPERT PC software (do you mean
the original Yamaha Macintosh Editor?). However if it was designed for
the An1x, then it is unlikely to be totally compatible with the

Both devices use the same sysex addresses for editing the EDIT buffer of
the card (i.e. auditioning the sound whilst you tweak). Hence you may be
able to tweak voices OK. However the PLG150AN and the AN1x have
different sysex addresses for user sound bank memory. Hence if the
AN-EXPERT PC software is designed to operate with the AN1x, it is
unlikely to work with the PLG150AN.

As far as I know, only An1xEdit correctly supports both devices!


Gary Gregson


-----Original Message-----
From: loudpaul [mailto:loudpaul@...]
Sent: 18 July 2018 22:06
Subject: [AN1x-list] how can AN-EXPERT file goto cs6x card?

I am pissed off completely, I have edited the voices of my plg150-an
card, which is in my cs6x, with the AN-EXPERT PC software, but can I
F∗∗k as like store it into the plg150 cards memory, or onto my smart
media card, can anyone save me from bursting any more blood vessels.
................Even yamaha tek support cannot tell me how........

yours frustrated
