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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] MP3dotcom ?

From: jondl <jondl@...>
Date: 2000-05-01

tomfinegan@... wrote:
Still i don´t understand, why the major
> record companies don´t try to use this more often to attract more
> ppl

Because the major label's in association with the RIAA (boo, hiss) have to
kill every good idea that comes along under the guise of copyright infringement!

The RIAA is solely responsible (well, them and the US Congress) for the
advent of the SCMS protocol that crippled DAT from becoming a widely
used consumer format and priced the early DAT machines out of the reach
of ordinary musicians. MP3 scares the s∗∗∗ out of them and there is
currently resumed litigation between the majors and They can't
stand the fact that someone else can get their fingers into the
distribution of music beyond their control. It completely breaks up the
status quo and dominance of the majors. Yeah!!!! Have you heard the
crap being played on american radio lately?!?! The majors no longer
have a clue.

In addition, they're feeble attempts to enact a watermark security layer
for encoded music distribution is a joke!!! Liquid Audio already does
it - and does it better than anything this collective has prescribed.
Roland and Emagic have already joined up with Liquid Audio creating
interfaces from their hardware and a software DAW's to the Liquid Audio
specification. I only hope other big names join in.

> in their artists. But that´s completely OT now....

Yeah, it's OT. You're right - but it is relevant to many of the
musicians on this list. Sorry to rant and rave but as a fellow who
remembers Frank Zappa insulting Tipper Gore ("Mothers of Prevention"
anyone?) and the US Congress on the evening news during the mid eighties
I just can't stand to see the crap they try and pull on us!

MP3 may not be perfect but look at your alternatives :-(

