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Subject: Re: outputs

From: jondl_2000@...
Date: 2001-07-16

--- In AN1x-list@y..., Yutaka Nakamura <liquidbrain@u...> wrote:
> > Yes, I believe so. My AN1x exhibited the problem from day one. I
> > from various user groups that other owners had the same problem.
> > I called Yamaha they readily acknowledged the problem and
> > it with a hardware repair at their facility in CA (I'm on the East
> > Coast, btw.) Yamaha was great - very helpful. My old dealer (now
> > of business) from whom I bought the AN1x was a MAJOR headache.
> Thank you very much for the reply, Jon. Do you happen to know how
much this
> repair may cost if the unit is out of warranty (I live in the U.S.,

I'm sorry I don't know what the cost would be for out of warranty. I
had my repair completed after a few months of owning the AN1x. At the
time the AN1x had been on the market for maybe a year or so and
nobody seemed to know if the problem would become worse and if so,
how quickly...

> I hate sending out my AN1x, though - it is the master keyboard in
my home
> studio... :-(

Oh, yeah - I understand.

> Thanks,
> -Yutaka

