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Subject: Re: Tempo-based Delay Times (was-->Re: 2 [AN1x-list] for Gary G.

From: "Blades" <redbrickdream@...>
Date: 2001-07-16

Or, if you want, let me know and I'll send you my very simple Delay
Calculator. It's very simple and I think "bug-free", and of course,
free....just requires the Visual Basic 6 run-times to be present on your
system, which they are if you have MS Office or you can get them free from


----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil" <accession@...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 6:47 PM
Subject: Tempo-based Delay Times (was-->Re: 2 [AN1x-list] for Gary G.,
XGedit suggestion and question.)

> Hi all,
> There are also software utilities (Mac/PC) that'll do the same thing....
> (...look under "Production Calculator")
> Here's an example of what they spit out:
> =========================
> You said: 132 bpm
> Normal Notes:
> 56.8181818 ms (1/32 Note)
> 113.6363636 ms (1/16 Note)
> 227.2727273 ms (1/8 Note)
> 454.5454545 ms (1/4 Note)
> 909.0909091 ms (1/2 Note)
> 1818.1818182 ms (1/1 Note)
> Dotted Notes:
> 85.2272727 ms (1/32 Note)
> 170.4545455 ms (1/16 Note)
> 340.9090909 ms (1/8 Note)
> 681.8181818 ms (1/4 Note)
> 1363.6363636 ms (1/2 Note)
> 2727.2727272 ms (1/1 Note)
> Triplet Notes:
> 37.8787879 ms (1/32 Note)
> 75.7575758 ms (1/16 Note)
> 151.5151515 ms (1/8 Note)
> 303.030303 ms (1/4 Note)
> 606.0606061 ms (1/2 Note)
> 1212.1212122 ms (1/1 Note)
> =========================
> Have fun!
> Phil
> From: Reggie <reggie@...>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2001 21:43:16 +0100
> To:
> Subject: Re: 2 [AN1x-list] for Gary G., XGedit suggestion and question.
> Synced Delay times are dependent on the Tempo, like you say, pretty
> impossible to do given that there are no sync options on the SW1k. But
> there is a small way around it, as the Delay times are accurate to 0.1ms
> on the SW1k, a little bit of maths can go a long way.
> All you need to do is have a calculator to hand, then divide 60000 by
> your tempo and the result will give you the length of 1 note in a 4 note
> bar (1/4) if you want eighths divide the value by 2 etc. For all the
> other values that you want.
> OR you could use XGPad which has a delay calculator built in, that will
> insert the value into the knob for you for any Variation or insert
> effects that use a delay parameter (It doesn't work for reverb delays
> as they are not accurate enough!)
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