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Subject: Re: AN1X in a song - Warning

From: jondl_2000@...
Date: 2001-07-10

--- In AN1x-list@y..., "Jerry Aiyathurai" <tuskerfort@h...> wrote:
> AN1Xers:
> I have a song on my website (The Isles Shall Wait) I would like
> feedback on. It's a fusion of ceylonese baila and prog-rock. The
> is responsible for all the monophonic leads in the song, as well as
> the pulse-wave minimoog sounds (duophonic) just before the end.
> The url is:
> I'd appreciate any specific critique of the sound design for the
> sounds. Thanks for listening.
> Jerry

If I had to pin a label on the track I'd call it World Beat/Fusion.
Pretty impressive arrangement but I can't say that I understood it
clearly. There are many ideas happening in the span of the
arrangement - some very similar - and I had trouble discerning
what 'mood' or 'idea' you were trying to convey at different points.

I like the drum loop you used. Maybe bring it down in the mix some?
The sounds melded well together - well selected for the fusion genre
and you seemed to have an effective rapport with your guitar player.
Been playing together for awhile?

It never ceases to surprise me how many different styles of music
AN1x users create. For a synth with a 'techno' reputation it really
makes the rounds!


