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Subject: RE: [AN1x-list] save voices

From: "Gary Gregson" <gary@...>
Date: 2001-07-08


When you have edited a voice you must save it back to the AN1xEdit
library if you want to keep the settings. Thereafter you can save the
whole library as an ANP or AN1 file (depending on which mode you are
working: PLGAN or AN1x). You can also use the File menu to export to ANS
format (the native format of Yamahas XGworks AN editor).

An1xEdit only operates on libraries i.e. AN1, ANP and ANS are all
library formats.....they are not 'Preset' formats. After you load a
library to An1xEdit, you can choose which voice(s) you want to send to
the don't have to send the whole library as a bank!!!!

To send a single voice (or group of voices) to the device user bank,
simply select the voice(s) you want, then hit the SEND button (in the
BULK section of the library page).

Hence there is no option to save/load single voices. However, if you
want to export a single voice (or group of voices) to a format that a
sequencer can use, then this is possible.

To do this; simply select the voice(s) in the library and hit the EXPORT
button in the Library BULK section. You can then choose to export the
voice(s) to either standard MIDI file format (MID) or MIDIEX format

Both formats will contain the sysex bulk dump data for the voices. The
MID format can be read by all sequencers. The SYX format can be read by
Cakewalk products and various sysex librarian tools such as MIDIOX.

Note that An1xEdit cannot read MIDI or SYX formats. So you should also
keep a copy of the voices in one of the Library formats!


Gary Gregson


-----Original Message-----
From: DMANX@... [mailto:DMANX@...]
Sent: 08 July 2001 01:46
Subject: [AN1x-list] save voices

How can i save voices in anx1edit.When I edit a voice,I try to save the
settings on a diskette,it only saves as a preset file... (.anp).I would
like to save my edited voices?not the whole presets.

Regards DMANX