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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] About AN200

From: "Peter Korsten" <peterk@...>
Date: 2001-07-05

From: "Timo Sandholm" <timo.sandholm@...>

> The one big positive thing with An200 compared to
> it's bigger brother is that An200 is much easier to carry with you. ;-D

You've never carried an EX5, right? :)

I've carried my AN1x from and to a 'sneltram' station, some 15 minutes
unencumbered. It's not really fun, let me assure you - but it all fades when
you try to just lift an EX5, for instance when you fit some options.

A friend of mine once carried his K2600X up the stairs. It took him five

- Peter