Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: Re: an1x patches

From: jondl_2000@...
Date: 2001-07-02

--- In AN1x-list@y..., dorakeen_fr@y... wrote:
> hello guys
> i am french so my english is not perfect :) sorry...
> i love my an1x but i would like to have some patches in .an1 format
> in order to use them in my music.
> Can you please give me an url where i can find this stuff ???
> thx.

Welcome to the list. Check the Files section here at Yahoo! Groups.

There are plenty of free AN1x Voices. Feel free to create a Folder
and upload your own sounds :-) .AN1 format is the standard (AN1xEdit)
and you're encouraged to compress your file before uploading (.zip is
the norm but .sit is okay too.)

