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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: An200 vs An1x

From: "Timo Sandholm" <timo.sandholm@...>
Date: 2001-07-02

Hi Andrea,

You can use AN1x editor with AN200 but with one disadvantage, you're not
able to receive patches from AN200 to AN1x edit but other than that it works
just fine. But then ... you come with AN200 editor and IMO it's the best
patch editor I've ever used because it's so clear to understand, the overlay
of functions is so great. You can load AN1x banks with it to AN200 so
you're able to get advantage of all existing AN1x voices.


----- Original Message -----
From: <carissimi@...>
To: <>
Sent: 29. kes�kuuta 2001 22:25
Subject: [AN1x-list] Re: An200 vs An1x

> Thanx a lot for all this precious suggestion about the An200!!!
> Just another question:
> Is it possible to use the An1x editor on the An200 or it has another
> editor who don't accepts the An1x voices?
> Andrea
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