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Subject: Re: help!!! data recovery

From: dbase789@...
Date: 2001-06-16

hello ,
mine did the same last week...
I borrowed a hard drive, putted it in bios as primary master, configured
mine as secondary slave , and backed up my files from was a boot
sequence kindof virus i believe..
I didn't really care about some loss of quality for my audio works, so I
did encode most of them to gain space, and time...then
burned,format,reinstalled, unencode, and took a beer.
depends on How your HD crashed, but this solution should be a simple
workaround...maybe to simple,dunno, but hope it can help...if it doez, send
me the 80$ at : dbase789@... : )
don't jump the window, unless your at first floor...above wouldn't be

> Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 07:50:21 -0000
> From: "Kevin Park" <nivek_krap@...>
> Subject: help!!! data recovery
> Hello again.
> I need some recommendations.
> My hard drive deceided to crash on Thursday night.
> It's 30gigs of musical data.
> I tried Norton Utility, Nuts & Bolts, Spinrite,
> and Easyrecovery. Nothing works. Actually,
> Norton and Spinrite made it a lot worse.
> Data consists of six musical projects and Reaktor
> musical software design.
> Four of them is on-line, so I could recover them,
> but all the individual tracks and masters are gone.
> Two projects are new ideas that I have been working on it for days
> and nights for past two years. I even took almost
> year off from work to finish this.
> I planned this for last five years.
> I saved enough money to take time away from
> work to work on more materials.
> Day jobs alway disturb my musical ideas.
> It's hard to sit on the streets and sample morning traffic
> when you should be driving to work. :)
> I realized my goals and dreams are more important than my career.
> I have few datas back
> up, but it's difficult back up 30 gigs in cd-r medias.
> I have some classical musical works written down on paper,
> but all the noise projects are impossible to recreate.
> Can somebody can recommend me a good low price data
> recovery center? My budget for this less than $800.
> Anybody has experience with data recovery?
> Please, don't send any e-mails about you should have
> backup frequently or I feel bad for you.
> Please send only postive responses to get me through this.
> Please send e-mails directly to nivek_krap@...
> I really don't want to jump out the
> window.
> Thank you

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