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Subject: Fw: [AN1x-list] fwd: OT : samplers

From: "Patrik Rydberg" <rydan@...>
Date: 2001-06-15

> From: <traun@...>
> Sorry for continuing this off-topic thread, but...
> > The draw bars on k2000 as I see it:
> >
> > - Only 24 voice polyphonic
> Wasn't that increased to 48 in the K2500/K2600?
> And those 48 voices are 48 voices, always. I think you can have four
> elements per voice, so in terms of other synthesisers (like my EX5, which
> supposedly 126 voice polyphonic, as long as you have one element per
> it would be 192 voice polyphonic.

That's correct, it has 192 oscilators.

In fact, a friend of mine uses a K2000VP, and we have never had it run out
of voices in any "audible" way. It seems, apart from having 24 voices
regardless of the number of "elements" in each voice, Kurzweil has a very
good algorithm for which voice to remove when polyphony is exceeded. (Of
course, if you really try to get it to run out audibly, you can, but when
used for music, together with other synths and stuff, we have never _heard_
"voice-clipping" from it)

As for noise on the mix out, the K2000VP is silent (when it's supposed to


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