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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] fwd: OT : samplers

From: "Peter Korsten" <peterk@...>
Date: 2001-04-21

From: <traun@...>

Sorry for continuing this off-topic thread, but...

> The draw bars on k2000 as I see it:
> - Only 24 voice polyphonic

Wasn't that increased to 48 in the K2500/K2600?

And those 48 voices are 48 voices, always. I think you can have four
elements per voice, so in terms of other synthesisers (like my EX5, which is
supposedly 126 voice polyphonic, as long as you have one element per voice)
it would be 192 voice polyphonic.

> - Internal effect processor is not good.

Has that been fixed by now?

> - the mixed output i noisy


> - V.A.S.T algorithms are sometimes to small (for example it is not
> possible to ring modulate a sync saw with a sample and the put i true a
> Low pass filter with variable resonance)

That's a bummer.

> - The filters can't self oscillate.

That too, although I can live without it.

> - Sync slave OSC can only be a SAW OSC.

Better than any sample player, though.

> - Samples are not on the matrix modulation list.

Er, I don't get that.

> But hey, nothings perfect.

And there's the worry about decreasing quality... their European distributor
going tits-up... but a friend of mine bought a K2600X with a sample board,
and he's ∗very∗ happy with it. Amazingly complex piece of hardware.

- Peter