Hi Ayhamo
I haven't played with Reggies scripts (although I am sure they are
great, I have removed VST from my system until Steinberg release a full
working version. I am currently using Sonar under Win2K with the latest
WDM drivers...and it works a treat)
Assuming you have used An1xEdit to setup the PLG card (on the relevant
XG part) and downloaded your user voices....then all you should need to
do is embed some simple bank select/program changes in the track.
If you don't want to use An1xEdit to setup the part, you can also embed
the relevant part select/board config sysex messages in the track.
The easiest way to do this would be via VSTs event list. The necessary
messages are described in the An1xEdit help file. See the section:
Introduction/ Using the PLG150AN.
Gary Gregson
gary@...http://www.yme.co.uk/yme -----Original Message-----
zorroface@... [mailto:
Sent: 13 June 2001 12:27
AN1x-list@yahoogroups.comSubject: [AN1x-list] Reggies Scripts, selecting voices from vst to an1x
Hi all,
First Gary.. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for your support
and care into this field.. you really inspire me to try and learn as
much as possible knowing that people like you exist writing as much
as possible for people like me!! ;).
Second.. I'm having the same problem where it would really be nice to
setup my voicelist in an1xedit and then when I load up vst (5.0) it
automatically selects say voice 1.. how doest that happen? I saw
Reggies scripts and read a few of the articles regarding MSB and LSB
etc.. but to be honest.. I got a bit lost..
I finally figured out how to install Reggies vst scripts, and they're
not bad at all! But they don't include little buttons that do a
program change :(.
How can we implement that?? I'm SURE there's a way.. even though we
all know vst's sys ex handling isn't too great
I've got the usual setup of vst going through XGEdit LB1 and synth2
and AN1xedit going to LB1. I don't think recording a program change
works well.. I'm thinking of somehow selecting bank and program from
vst.. but how do I do that?
When you click on program up in vst.. it gives you the default sounds?
How do you tell it.. I want the sound I set on voice 1 for example..
and then through the song tell it 'change to voice 2 now' etc ??
There's GOT to be a semi simple way of doing this if you can do it by
a simple mouse click.
I saw Gary's notes about being able to do this.. but I really
couldn't understand them 100%.. Can anyone help me with like an
'idiot's guide' here?
I don't even think this needs sysex commands from vst, am I right?
Keep posting!
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