Hi Fernado,
Reggie has pretty much covered what you will lose (for a more exact
description of the differences take a look at the Introduction sections
of the AN1xEdit Help file).
The bottom line is that if a voice doesn't rely on both scenes or An1x
effects, then the result will be almost identical.
If a voice relies on effects then you may be able to compensate using
the effects of the PLG host (although I don't know of any PLG hosts that
provide the most used AN1x effect...Tempo Delay! It may be worth
checking this out on Motif)
If a voice relies on dual scenes then there is going to be a noticeable
difference. However, it is not true that you cannot covert the second
scene. Simply duplicate the voice in the An1xEdit library (in AN1x
mode). Then use the program copy features to copy the second scene to
the first scene of the duplicate voice. You will now have two identical
patches expect one contains the first scene and the other the second.
You can then convert the library to PLG mode (by saving and then loading
into An1xEdit in PLG mode).
The useful of the second scene really depends on how it was used in the
original A1nx patch.
a) If the scenes were always used as independently then you are
OK...simply select the appropriate saved patch.
b) If the second scene was purely used for morphing, you are in
luck....as you can setup the PLG150AN to morph between the current patch
and an alternate patch in the preset or user banks. Hence you could
morph between the two patches you saved above.
b) If it was used as a layer or a split then you really need two PLG
cards to replicate the same patch (i.e. each card loading one of the
scene patches).
On the plus side the PLG does offer some things that AN1x doesn't. For
instance it provides some additional VCO and LFO waveforms and there is
a new cross modulation algorithm between the VCOs. Also if you are using
it within a DAW system such as the XGFactory cards (SW1K, DSPF), then
you can maintain all signals in the digital domain.
Of course used with Motif it does add more variety to your performance
options ;-)
Gary Gregson
gary@...http://www.yme.co.uk/yme -----Original Message-----
Sent: 06 June 2001 18:43
AN1x-list@yahoogroups.comSubject: [AN1x-list] Transferring patches from AN1x to PLG150AN
Hello all,
I'm a proud owner of an AN1x for almost 3 years. It is the controller
keyboard (and only keyboard)in my home studio. The thing is, I'm
planning to upgrade, and because of space reasons I will have to sell
it. I'm really interested in the new Motif 6 keyboard, and I'm
planning on adding a PLG150AN board to it, in order not to loose my
fantastic AN1x sounds. Will the conversion of my patches to this
board work 100%? I mean I know I will loose on polyphony, but other
than that what should I expect, in what regards FX, free EG, step
sequencer and the sounds themselves?
Thanks in advance for your help.