Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list

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Subject: An1x on/off topic

From: "Aidan Mark Humphreys" <ahumphr@...>
Date: 2001-06-01

>I have a gear question....
>I am looking for a hardware or software sampler ...

I hate to be the first one to grouch but am I alone in getting a little
frustrated at the level of off-topic posts recently.

We all know the purpose of the list.

Recently we have had endless Mac vs Win vs Linux cs BeOS debates, lengthy
my-computer-sequencer-doesn't-work problems, what does everyone think of the
Su700 discussions, which score editor is best arguements, Cubase 5.02
scripting bust-ups, OMS surgeries and bloodthirsty Java diss'ing.

I appreciate that not every item in each thread had been 100% without
relevance (the script thread at least began on subject). I also appreciate
that you might need an answer to your off-topic question and here might seem
a good place to ask. But the fact is there are many mailing lists and forums
specialised in all the above themes where you would be not only on topic but
also more likely to meet an expert.

If you have a non ANxxx question could I suggest you start with a general
synth newsgroup like or an appropriate list, rather
than here.

Ok, so now flame me.