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--- In AN1x-list@y..., jondl_2000@y... wrote:
> Hello DR,
> --- In AN1x-list@y..., DR <dreinstein@e...> wrote:
> > I am a Logic user and I was able to get both of the Jetsonic
> > for the An1x Variation effects to work with my system very well.
I use a
> > PowerMac 9600 and my Unitor is connected via the modem port. One
thing that
> > I can't do yet is getting OMS to work along with the built in
Midi Driver in
> > my system. Logic's preferences give me this option but it
doesn't work and
> > I don't know why. OMS always tells me that the port is in use.
Does this
> > feature really work or do I have to use just OMS Driver or the
built in
> > driver.
> I spent about 20 minutes reviewing the OMS doc in the Logiv v4.0
> - there's no mention of the 'Use OMS and the built in MIDI driver'
> option :-# I'm fairly certain this is a more recent addition - I
> in v4.5, maybe?!? As you probably already know the online help in
> is, ahem, cough-cough, "brief" say the least :-/
> Anyway, I ∗think∗ the "Port in use" message occurs because Logic is
> smart enough to know the modem port w/ the Unitor is already
defined to
> OMS. I might be mistaken but I believe the option 'Use OMS and
built in
> MIDI driver' is intended for when you have two (or more) MIDI
> Interfaces connected to your Mac and only one of which is defined
> your OMS Setup document - the other being driven from Logic's MIDI
> driver. For example: I could define my 2x2 Opcode USB MIDI
Interface in
> OMS and Logic would 'see' it. I could simultaneously define my std.
> MIDI Interface to Logic but not to OMS and then enable the 'Use OMS
> built in MIDI Driver' option. Make sense? I hope so...
> I couldn't find a definitive answer in the Logic mailing list
> archives...granted I didn't search that long either :-/ Maybe
> something at David Bellingham's site? I'll check tomorrow - I'm too
> tired for this tonight...time for bed :-)
> I have selected use OMS in the background in the OMS port setup.
> > Do I have to make adjustments to the OMS mapping in Logic? I use
a lot of
> > OMS applications and it would be great if I could have my non OMS
> > use Logic's built in timing.
> I think you can make use of the OMS Output Mapping for ∗just this
> thing∗ BUT you'll also need to update the OMS Input Mappings. I
> you need to disable the 'Connect physical OMS Nodes', quit, and
> Logic...have to reread chapter 5 in the manual one_more_time and
> experiment on my set-up. It appears this is the way to go if I
> understood the manual correctly ;-) If it works correctly using IAC
> def's with other sw then I may change my set-up too.
> Oh yeah, FWIW - I ∗finally∗ put up the v4.7.0 upate last night. I
> retried the Jetsonic enviroment for the Variation effects and it
> great! I swear I had the port set correctly the last couple of
times I
> tried?!? V4.7.0 shouldn't have made the difference...regardless,
> working now!
> Hope this helps.
> regards,
> Jon
> ∗Friendly reminder∗ - please do NOT resend the entire digest when
> replying to the list. Many thanks.