Archive of the former Yahoo!Groups mailing list: The Yamaha AN1x Synthesizer mailing list
Subject: AN1x and DanceFloor production
From: lubo999x@...
Date: 2001-05-28
Hi all!
I have AN1x for few months, but I'm litle bit diasppointed by it. It
has cool voices, but I'm not so sure if they are suitable for music
styles which i want to compose. They are very good for film music and
may be trance, but I want to concentrate (I like) mainly on dance
floor (like Music Instructor) and synthi pop (like Alphaville, DM or
Erasure). I also don't know much about sound creation. I can create
my own sound, but it doesn't sound well.
Is here in the list someone who is using AN1x for dance floor or
synthi pop and is experienced AN1x programer which can you send me
some sample of his work to show that AN1x can be successfuly used in
this style and give me some advices how can I learn how to create
good sounds and how to compose?
Thank you very much.
P.S.: Now I'm studying song "Super Fly" from Music Instructor. Could
some programing guru take a look at its bass (playing octaves almost
from the start) sound? I would like to know if AN1x can do something
like this. Thanx.