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Subject: Re: Digest Number 422

From: "Martyr Complex" <martyrcomplex1@...>
Date: 2001-05-21

--- In AN1x-list@y..., Darren M Boudreau <RIXdeGAUL@j...> wrote:
> Damn that's cool about the CPU...I'm listening to "Pulse" right now
> actually...

Sweet. Let me know what you think. It should be on the movie
soundtrack once they finish all the audio editing, which hopefully
will be sometime very soon. It's a lot fuller when we play live-
three more layers of synths plus the live guitar. I really need to
re-record the older stuff now that we have a guitarist and new

We also do a 180bpm cover of 'You Spin Me Round' from Dead Or Alive
which is probably our most popular song to play live. We played a
gig on Saturday night and Dominic St Charles from Electric Hellfire
Club was there, got email from him this morning saying how much he
was seriously digging the show and especially that cover.

> I love the picture of the girl with the sign... excellent...
> made me laugh...I'm wondering what possessed who to put that up?

That girl is a model in Toronto who saw one of our shows in
Cleveland a few months back. She did the pic on the condition that
we put it on the webpage. Posted it, and then she sent pix that
definitely would NOT be allowed on hehe...

Groupies rock...

We even have 'I Fucked Martyr Complex' t-shirts and stickers. The
t-shirts are a favorite at our gigs. We sell more of the babydoll
t's than we do CDs most of the time, so we started knocking $5 off
the CD price if they bought a shirt. Now we sell about 20 CDs per
gig, so it's all good...

needing to order more shirts and stickers now that I think of it...