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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Digest Number 425

From: "Peter Korsten" <peterk@...>
Date: 2001-05-21

From: <angelphkt@...>

> Java actually did....jscript may not have (cept for on the serverside) but
> java has dropped the bomb in a biiiiiiig way....just in another skin-flash
> based on java and flash is absolutely HUGE these days...

If I recall correctly, Java was going to be ∗the∗ thing, at least according
to Sun and Oracle. Sun came out with the JavaStation, specifically for Java
applications. The fact that this product was canned after a little while
goes to show that Sun's plan failed miserably, despite the marketing

JScript on the server? You must be joking. PHP: yes. VBScript: yes. But
JScript or JavaScript: no way.

JavaScript is used a lot on the client side. This is where Java (which has
nothing to do with JavaScript) was supposed to reign, but it hasn't

Flash may be 'huge' these days, but so where the 'portal' sites some two
years ago. The internet is going from hype to hype, and the hype of the
moment is Flash, and the news-based sites. Give it another year, and it'll
settle down.

Java on the server side of things (J2EE) is picking up. Look for pages with
a .jsp extension.

If anyone is (quite rightly) thinking what the heck this has to do with the
AN1x or music applications in general, I've been toying with the idea of
creating some kind of network-based environment where you can freely
exchange software controllers (like AN1xEdit) with hardware ones. You could
think of controlling a program like AN1xEdit with your AN1x, without said
program actually knowing whether it's a controller on your screen or on your
synth that's operating it.

It would make things a lot easier. The program could tell the environment
"look, I need 56 knobs to tweak a sound" and the environment could tell it
"hey, waddayaknow, I have an AN1x for you that can do these 56 knobs" (put
your AN1x in mode 2) or it could say "no, but I'll draw them for you on the
screen". The program would never know about where the 56 knobs are.

(This is just an example, so don't bother Gary about it. :) )

> > Something might pop up with Linux, but the Linux hype is the same as the
> > Java hype we had a few years ago. Java was going to be ∗the∗ thing on
> > desktop. Has that happened? No way. Lotsado about nothing and Sun's
> > marketing department trying to create an image that was just plain
> oh, so your saying there will be innovation rather than stale programs
> comming out year after year...gotchya :-)

It could be that you didn't get me, but I certainly don't get the above
statement... sorry.

> i always say-it just comes down to preference, there's no
> in argueing with people because it's like arguing about religion, nearly
> let's all be happy an shut up about our OS :-)

Fine with me, but I thought that a reality check was in place.

- Peter