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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Digest Number 424

From: "Peter Korsten" <peterk@...>
Date: 2001-05-21

From: "Michael Miner" <mminer@...>

> Actually Windows 98 and it's ilk are going bye-bye. The newer Windows are
> going to be based on the Windows NT kernel. I use NT at work all day
> everyday and have only see the-dreaded-blue-screen-of-death once (shocked
> the Hell out of me). Right after security comes stability in the NT
> environment.

Depends. I clicked a certain option in Outlook and bang! - BSOD. I tried it
again, and again I got the BSOD. And that's with a user application.

The trouble with NT is that you never know what's happening. It's a very
unclear OS, delivered without the tools you need to actually administer a

But for the rest, no complaints. I have my machine on all of the time (it's
running SETI@home). Still, I want to reboot it sometimes, because I get the
feeling that not all resources are freed.

- Peter