Actually Windows 98 and it's ilk are going bye-bye. The newer Windows are
going to be based on the Windows NT kernel. I use NT at work all day
everyday and have only see the-dreaded-blue-screen-of-death once (shocked
the Hell out of me). Right after security comes stability in the NT
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Korsten [mailto:
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2001 10:09 AM
To: Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Digest Number 424
From: <
> not speaking because i wanna be "ultra hip" and use a unix
> OS for mental masturbation...i just have a good feeling that i'm going
> moving away from the windows envirnment pretty soon simply because i
> like this business of a hardwired OS that tells on me if i dont pay for
> not down with all that-and i think alot of other people feel
> same sure something with sound will pop up soon with
> know there are some trackers out there for it already, but i'm not too
> the tracker scene even tho trackers are definitely dope....oh well...
The trouble I personally have with Windows is that it's unstable and/or
big for what I want. Furthermore, marketing is becoming a considerable
of the design of Microsoft's operating systems, and that is a mortal sin
my view.
Something might pop up with Linux, but the Linux hype is the same as the
Java hype we had a few years ago. Java was going to be ∗the∗ thing on your
desktop. Has that happened? No way. Lotsado about nothing and Sun's
marketing department trying to create an image that was just plain wrong.
But Java is finally breaking through, on very different merits, on the
server side of things. I couldn't be bothered about Java until a couple of
months ago, but now I definitely will invest time into it.
As for Linux, it basically has a following of techies who don't like
Microsoft, plus the likes of Oracle are providing support - as they are
providing support for the commercial Unix versions. All this 'breaking
through to the desktop and kicking Windows out' is not happening, and it
will not happen. If something will pop up, it'll be a labour of love from
hacker, and not something from the established firms like Steinberg and
Emagic. The target audiences of Linux and music software companies are
rather disjunct.
> haha, OS X sucks my nuts...we have it in our studio-it's the pits...i
> it rather hilarious when the founder of linux replied when asked about
> "it's crap, everything they could have done wrong, they did..."
> hahahha....and i think he's right, we can't even keep it runnin in the
> lab-even the die hard mac people come in and don't use the OS X
> i feel really really hindered w/ Mac, and it's the only
> i hate about linux-i absolutely HATE how you can see your desktop while
> trying to work on something, and if you don't click right on the window
> program goes away and you have to toggle back to that program....UGH, i
> that more than anything....oh well...
Like I said, get OS X in a few months. I would expect it to have a few
wrinkles in the beginning, like any OS has. Remember the Linux security
issues when it was still "only" a few years old?
As for Linus (the guy who 'invented' Linux), he was misquoted and never
that "Mac OS X" sucks. What he did say, is that he doesn't like the Mach
micro-kernel on which Mac OS X is built, and he doesn't like micro-kernels
in general because he thinks the concept doesn't work.
I think he's totally wrong there, but hey, that's just me. But Linus says
finds Mac OS X very interesting. Personally, I think he's jealous that
Linux, after all these years, basically has a nerd following, no software
support worth mentioning, and hasn't fulfilled the promises people thought
it would have.
Therefore, it's Mac OS X for me. By the time I can afford a Mac, they'll
have fixed the OS. :)
- Peter
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