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Subject: Re: [AN1x-list] Re: live compruta setups

From: PolHarris@...
Date: 2001-05-21

I appreciate all the inputs on live midi. I have decided
to abandon DOS/Midiman Serial Portman due to the quirky
limitations of Cakewalk 5.0 (no midi files over 199K in
size!), and try the "ShowPlay" software, with their
dedicated serial midi out on a 486 laptop. Their site
seems to show some engineering real effort trying to
make live midi play solid, and min setup is a 486SX w/
8M running Windows 95 (cheap on ebay!). In fact, they
recommend 95 over 98 or Win ME due to lower overhead.
B/W screens are also supported. This way, I can get
lyric display also. If anyone's interested, I'll let you
know how it works out. Canadian Technology! Here's their
> --- In AN1x-list@y..., Elson Trinidad <elson@w...> wrote:
> > Er, I think you have your facts mixed up again. It's SONY that
> bought Be,
> > not Microsoft.
> Really? I didn�t know that. I thought Be just changed their Business
> what do you think how many stocks does M$ own of
> Sony...;)
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